How to Lose Weight, Look Great, & get the Body you’ve always wanted! Step 2

Step 2: Eliminate ‘Diet’ Foods

You want to be hot, luscious, and feel like a million bucks right?!  Me too!!  A simple way to accelerate your fabulousness is to avoid all old-school diet foods as they actually hinder your progress instead of help you to achieve your goals, so not cool.  These foods (typically labeled ‘light’, ‘diet’, ‘low-carb’, ‘sugar-free’, ‘fat-free’, etc) are actually quite toxic and will definitely slow your weight-loss.

  • All fat-free and/or sugar-free yogurt (frozen and otherwise)
  • Weight-loss bars – I would stay away from bars in general, most of them are hard to digest and stick like glue in the intestines.  Who wants a belly pooch? Not me, but if you’re a fan , eat bars to your hearts content, you’ll be rocking a fantastic pooch in no time!
  • Packaged, processed meats
  • Frozen dinners
  • All manufactured low-carb weight-loss items
  • All diet sodas and diet drinks
  • Milk (including skim, I don’t recommend cow’s milk in any form)
  • Sugar-free products in general
  • Artificial Sweeteners like Sweet & Low, Splenda, Equal, NutraSweet, and Aspartame.  (If you need a sugar substitute use NuNaturals brand Stevia from  It’s delicious, natural, and fabulous for your waistline!  AND you can get $5 off your first order through iherb by using the discount code WAG472).

Regardless of how low the carbohydrate or calorie count, the above foods cannot fully be digested by the body, so they will get stored as waste.

Waste = Weight!

Besides, you could be eating real food with truly satisfying textures and tastes like avocados, sweet potatoes, real full-fat cream and butter, dates, macadamia nuts, and much more while still losing waste/weight and feeling like you’re twelve years old again. Try achieving THAT with constipating mainstream diet food! – Natalia Rose

About Linda

Linda Wagner is an experienced and skilled Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach who utilizes a holistic methodology to invigorate the mind, body, and spirit. It is her passion to assist others in achieving their true, unlimited potential. Linda has the unique ability of identifying root, underlying issues for both basic and complex nutritional concerns. She uses a straightforward approach that embodies a combination of dietary, emotional, and lifestyle techniques that are both easy to follow and enormously effective. She has helped hundreds of people across the country achieve radiant, long lasting physical and emotional wellness. Linda has trained extensively with some of the nation’s foremost PhD’s, Clinical Nutritionists, Biochemists, Athletic Coaches, and Sports Psychologists. Through her comprehensive training, Linda has developed a thorough knowledge of Clinical Nutrition, Chinese and Ayeurvedic medicine, dietetics, performance nutrition, herbal nutrition, detox and cleansing. Linda also has a strong background in psychology and ABA Therapy and spent two years as an ABA Therapist for children with Autism. Linda was a competitive athlete for 13 years and spent two of those years training at the University of Texas in efforts to earn a spot on the US National Team. Her elite sports background has given her an inside look at how the world’s top athletes are able to effectively to fuel the body, stay lean, and maintain emotional poise.
This entry was posted in cellulite, cleansing, detox, Detox 4 Women, hot body, organics, real food, weight loss. Bookmark the permalink.

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